This site is a live web page of the GitHub repo for the W3 version of APCA.
The following is a trial of GitHub’s new LaTeX and MathJax support. As you can see there are some bugs at the moment (browser dependent??) and there are some missing features or commands.
\(\begin{align} \\ \mathbf{APCA}\ & \mathbf{\bullet \ W3}\ \ \mathbf{\scriptstyle version\ { 0.1.9}\ { developed\ for\ WCAG\ 3\ contrast\ guidelines}} \\ {\scriptstyle Using:}\ &\ \mathit{\scriptstyle APCA\ Contrast\ Prediction\ Equation\ \ 0.0.98G-4g-base-W3} \\\\[4ex] &Perceptual\ Lightness\ Contrast = L^c \\\\[2.5ex] \textstyle Wher&e: \\\\[1ex] \hline {\scriptstyle Clamp\ } & {\scriptstyle Minimum\ Contrast\ to\ \mathit1\mathit0 \\\% \ then\ Offset\ \\&\ Final\ Scale} \\\\[1ex] L^c = &\begin{cases} \ 0.0 \ \ \ &if\ \big\vert S_{apc} \big\vert < W_{clamp}\\\\[1ex] \big(\ S_{apc} - W_{offset}\ \big) \times 100.0\ \ &if\ \ S_{apc}\ > 0 \\\\[1ex] \big(\ S_{apc} + W_{offset}\ \big) \times 100.0\ \ &if\ \ S_{apc}\ < 0 \\ \end{cases} \\\\[1.25ex] \hline {\scriptstyle Determ} & {\scriptstyle ine\ Polarity,\ Find\ Lightness\ Difference,\ \\&\ Scale} \\\\[1ex] S_{apc} = &\begin{cases} \big(\ Y_{bg}^{Nbg} - Y_{txt}^{Ntx}\ \big) \times W_{scale} \ \ &if\ \ Y_{bg} > Y_{txt}\ \Big(\ ^{\ \ Normal\ Polarity}\_{(dark\ text/light\ bg)} \Big) \\\\[1ex] \big(\ Y_{bg}^{Rbg} - Y_{txt}^{Rtx}\ \big) \times W_{scale} \ \ &if\ \ Y_{bg} < Y_{txt}\ \Big(\ ^{\ Reverse\ Polarity}\_{(light\ text/dark\ bg)} \Big) \\ \end{cases} \\\\[2.25ex] \hline {\scriptstyle Soft\ Cli} & {\scriptstyle p\ \\&\ Clamp\ Black\ Levels} \\\\[1ex] Y_{txt}& = \ f_{softclp}(Ys) \quad_{of\ the\ text,\ symbol,\ or\ object.}^{Where\ Ys\ is\ derived\ from\ the\ color} \\\\[1.4ex] Y_{bg}& = \ f_{softclp}(Ys) \quad_{used\ for\ the\ adjacent\ background.}^{Where\ Ys\ is\ derived\ from\ the\ color} \\\\[1.4ex] Y_{fld}& = \ \mathrm{\scriptstyle Unused\ in\ W3\ version} \\\\[2ex] f_{softclp}&(Y_c) = \begin{cases} 0.0 \ \quad \ &if\ \ Y_c < 0.0 \\\\[0.66ex] Y_c + \big( B_{thrsh} - Y_c \big)^{B_{clip}} \ &if\ \ Y_c < B_{thrsh} \\\\[0.66ex] Y_c \ \quad \ &Otherwise \\ \end{cases} \\\\[1ex] \hline {\scriptstyle Estimat} & {\scriptstyle e\ Screen\ Luminance\ Using\ sRGB\ Coefficients} \\\\[1ex] Ys &= \displaystyle\sum \begin{cases} {\color{#faa}(\mathbf R^\prime \div 255.0)^{S_{TRC}} \times 0.2126729 } \\ {\color{#6f6}(\mathbf G^\prime \div 255.0)^{S_{TRC}} \times 0.7151522} \\ {\color{#8bf}(\mathbf B^\prime \div 255.0)^{S_{TRC}} \times 0.0721750} \\ \end{cases} \\\\[1ex] \hline Const&ants\ for\ \mathit0\mathit.\mathit0\mathit.\mathit9\mathit8G-\mathit4g-sRGB: \\ &\begin{alignedat}{2} {\scriptstyle Powercur} & {\scriptstyle ve\ Exponents} \quad \quad & \quad {\scriptstyle Clamp} & {\scriptstyle s\ \\\& \ Scalers} \\ S_{TRC} & = 2.4 \quad & \quad B_{clip} & = \ 1.414 \\ Ntx & = 0.57 \quad & \quad B_{thrsh} & = \ 0.022 \\ Nbg & = 0.56 \quad & \quad W_{scale} & = \ 1.14 \\ Rtx & = 0.62 \quad & \quad W_{offset} & = \ 0.027 \\ Rbg & = 0.65 \quad & \quad W_{clamp} & = \ 0.1 \\ \end{alignedat} \\\\[1ex] \hline INPU&T:\ \ {\color{#faa}R^\prime}, G^\prime, {\color{#8bf}B^\prime}\ \mathbf{\in\ sRGB} \ \ (Range: 0.0-255.0) \\\\[0.5ex] \hline & \mathit{\scriptscriptstyle Copyright\ ©\ 2019-2022\ by\ Andrew\ Somers.\ All\ Rights\ Reserved.} \\ \hline \ Git&HubRepo\ \Rrightarrow\ \mathrm{} \\ \\ \end{align}\)
For more on APCA, please see: for more.
Copyright © 2019-2022 by Andrew Somers. All Rights Reserved.
NOTICE: “APCA is a method for predicting text contrast on self-illuminated displays for web-based content. Some use-cases are prohibited by license, including the following: use in medical, clinical evaluation, human safety related, aerospace, transportation, military applications, are strictly prohibited without a specific license in writing granting such use.”